reminds me of Lady Gaga. U KNW HOW MUCH I LOVEEEEEEEEE HER. I can't wait for everybody in e whole entire world 2 parade arnd dressed up like this. COOOOL! Asian models FTWz/
Lemme recount how she killed the kids one by one: Dumping the cook in2 sizzling hot oil/ pouring gasoline down a guy's throat and then letting him smoke a joint, causing him 2 explode/ this guy's brain got eaten by rats/ another guy got his penis pulled off (was funny)/this girl got her face disfigured by metal wires/driving a stake through a guy's eye/crushing a black chick under a board full of spikes/skinning a boy alive O:
I've made plans 4 e weekends, pls dont rain on my parade. Swimming and suntanning on sat, alone time and going to west coast park on sun with siman. Then, sch reopens yo... finally. I know I sound like a cr8zy geeko right now but wtv.I'm so in love with this kid.
School holidays started? I didn't know because I was studying like I did every school week. Hm. Last day of school was spent on the bleachers of Jurong East Sports Complex after Nanyang Netball's victory match against Nanhua Sec. Bravioooo, nice game!
Kelly and I talked a lot, while munching on KFC calories, bathing in the evening sun. We are self proclaimed bored kids stuck in a boring hellhole, doing boring things, leading a boring life. True, look at what all sixteen-year-olds here are doing now. Pathetic...
See, I'm so bored I changed fonts. Courier New ftw. Gee.I need to go shopping! But i can't let myself do it. Because imma study my ass off, be rich and famous, so that i can leave this hole forever.
Day 2: Party like a rockstar
Day 3: Graceful yet?
I really miss those times we spent together. Three weeks of ups and some downs, and we survived them, together. Love yall and hopefully we will be all together again this year.
Retail therapy (sort of) with Siman again today. Bought makeup and some cute stuff. Orchard road is really fasinating. It is the only place where you see the fashionistas milling around among the fashion idiots and the colour blind. Went Zara as usual and my practice and efforts paid off, Zara's stilettoes did not pose as a challenge for me. Zara has really pretty stuff and I can't wait to have money and the boobs so I can go get those beautiful pieces off the racks.
And regarding my rant in my previous post, you shouldn't have commented. It may not even be about you at all. Your attempt to make yourself seem like the victim, pushing the blame on to me, was rather lame. I don't feel bad at all.
Xiaotong and Yuxuan, decked out in sexy belly dancing gears. Why so shy? That's our outfit for belly dancing performance during lifeskills camp (Fiesta). I'm in the belly dancing committee too. :D Only eight belly dancers yo. Oh and Yuxuan's wearing the dress as a tube top. Way to go.
And see what Eric Tan did to our computer? He decapitated it because he thinks he's long enough to reach for the projector switch, even though he is not. At least we all had a good laugh. Lessons nowadays are getting really boring and difficult. Ah well, that's school for us.
Hugs and kisses,
This weekend was not as productive as I expected but at least I managed to get homework and some revision done. For that, I gave myself a pat on the back. However, I succumbed to tempations again and watched four entire episodes of "Heroes". Guilty! The storyline is getting increasingly complicated and twisted and dark which really appealed to me, which is why I'm so addicted to it. (SYLAR...)
Heroes aside, I managed to buy killer heels and a dress today after shopping with Siman. So did she. I realised that walking in heels ain't as easy as it seems. For my case, standing upright with my heels elevated an inch above the ground proved to be as challenging as moving mountains. Okay, I may be exaggerating a little but you get the idea that I may fall face down during class parade. Get your sadistic laugthers ready.
But... I will heed Siman's advice to break the heels.
We had a whale of fun today even though my back and feet are protesting. Siman is such an amazing companion :D
MC Mongs/Blonde hair cutie/Shaggy rock star/Cigarette gangster
Heartless fuckers/Loving couples/Friendly daddies/Cute uncles
Loser ah lians and ah bengs/Fried chicken/Sundae/MRT rides
heavy tins :D
Basically that sums up the highlights of our day. I love flag days!
Yesterday we had a talk about Graces. Not exactly though but we were learning about stuff that guys don't like about girls. (Like VPL, too much makeup, messy hair... etc etc) But I'm dreading the so-called formal dinner. I don't like formal, I hate dresses, I hate heels. Urgh. They should just send us off for some bikini bootcamp or whatever. And Michelle wasn't in school because she's happily collecting angbao in Malaysia, lucky lucky lucky.
Our own CNY picnic: Michelle, Rachel, Kelly, Siman, Jingfang, Minhui, Sarah and Liyi with her sexy voice. We were exchanging CNY goodies. We had our little picnic by the fish pond. Oh my god, my heart ached. I miss our old classroom SOOOOOO much! Don't need to climb stairs and we could eat outside the classroom because it is considered ground level. Why the fuck do we have to change? ):
With love,
I attempted to finish holiday homework, halfway through feeling really fucked up in the ass. Come on, it's HOLIDAYS! However, I enjoyed doing ISL.1 though. Then went to get CNY supplies (pineapple tarts and love letters!) and ate dinner outside. O: *YAWN*
Semi reunion lunch @ my granny's house. She's the only woman alive capable of making veggies taste awesome, I swear. Semi because only my family turned up which is quite sad. And judging by the angbao money I am receive, the economic downturn really fucked asses. Please please, I need money! Hopefully better luck tmrw when I put on my hypocritical smiley face and start saying happy chinese new year to relatives in a sickeningly sweet voice. Urgh.
Oh and I shall resist new year goodies. But I'm eating steamboat later, yummy!
Hugs and kisses,
When I am lonely @ night, they talk. [source]
Yesterday accompanied my dear Siman to expo (at another end of Singapore) for some metro sale thing and we ended up feeling very disappointed because the clothes there were either auntie or plain hideous. So we left with only a ten dollar dress each.
But, we ate a lot. Donuts + fried chicken + ice cream. Then we came to school and realise we have to take height and weight. OH DANG. So I'm like fucking heavy and to make matters worse, I shrunk by 1cm. ONE FUCKING CM. Please tell me that this is not scientifically possible and its the damn machine that is screwed. Pfft.